Policy 7240 - Programs for Indian Children

Programs for Indian Children
It is the intent of the RISE Charter School that all American Indian children of school age have equal access to all programs, services, and activities offered in the RISE Charter School.

It is also the intent of the RISE Charter School to fully comply with the requirements of Title VIII (Impact Aid Program) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and regulations relating thereto. To that end, the RISE Charter School shall:
1. Provide tribal officials and parents of Indian children an opportunity to comment on the participation of Indian children on an equal basis in all programs and activities offered by the RISE Charter School;
2. Annually assess the extent to which Indian students are participating on an equal basis in the educational programs and activities of the RISE Charter School;
3. If and when necessary, modify its educational programs to ensure that Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children served by the RISE Charter School;
4. Disseminate annually all relevant applications, evaluations, program plans, and information related to the RISE Charter School’s education programs in sufficient time to allow the tribes and parents of Indian children an opportunity to review the materials and make recommendations on the needs of the Indian children and how the RISE Charter School may help those children realize the benefits of the RISE Charter School’s education programs and activities;
5. Solicit information from tribal officials and parents of Indian children on Indian views, including information on the frequency, location, and time of meetings;
6. Notify tribal officials and parents of Indian children of the locations and times of meetings;
7. Consult and involve tribal officials and parents of Indian children in the planning and development of the RISE Charter School’s educational programs and activities;
8. Modify its Indian policies and procedures, if and when necessary, based upon the results of the “Assessments” referenced below.

Tribal officials and parents of Indian children are encouraged to assess the effectiveness of their input regarding the participation of Indian children in the RISE Charter School’s educational programs and activities and the development and implementation of the RISE Charter School’s Indian policies and procedures and share the results of such assessment with the RISE Charter School.

For all Indian students served by the RISE Charter School, the RISE Charter School shall maintain adequate records to demonstrate the RISE Charter School’s compliance with applicable federal law regarding funds received pursuant to Title VIII (20 USC § 7703).



Legal References:
20 U.S.C.S. §§ 7441, et seq. Special Programs and Projects to Improve Educational Opportunities for Indian Children.
20 U.S.C.S. §§ 7703, 7704, Policies and Procedures Relating to Children Residing on Indian Lands
34 CFR 222.94 What Provisions Must be Included in a Local Educational Agency’s Indian Policies and Procedures?


Policy History:
Adopted on: December 13, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: