Policy 2000 - Goals

RISE Charter School’s educational program will seek to provide opportunities for each child to develop to his or her maximum potential. Objectives for educational programs are:

  1. To foster self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-discipline;
  2. To develop awareness of and appreciation for cultural diversity;
  3. To stimulate intellectual curiosity and growth;
  4. To provide fundamental career concepts and skills;
  5. To help students develop sensitivity to the needs and values of others and respect for individual and group differences;
  6. To help each student strive for excellence and instill a desire to reach his or her fullest potential;
  7. To develop a base of fundamental skills for lifelong learning; and
  8. To be free of any sexual, cultural, ethnic, or religious bias.

Administrative personnel are responsible for apprising the Board on the current and future status of RISE Charter School’s educational programs. The Executive Director should prepare periodic reports including:

  1. A review and evaluation of the present curriculum;
  2. A projection of curriculum and resource needs;
  3. An evaluation of and plan to eliminate any sexual, cultural, ethnic, or religious bias that may be present in the curriculum or instructional materials and methods;
  4. A plan for new or revised instructional program implementations; and
  5. A review of present and future facility needs.

Legal References:
I.C. § 33-5210 Application of School Law – Accountability – Exemption from State Rules
I.C. § 33-1612 Courses of Instruction - Thorough System of Public Schools

Policy History:
Adopted on: June 14, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: