Policy 2430 - Gifted and Talented Program

Gifted and Talented Program
The term “gifted and talented” means students who are identified as possessing demonstrated or potential abilities that give evidence of high performing capabilities in intellectual, creative, specific academic or leadership areas, or ability in the performing or visual arts and who are capable of high performance and require services or activities not ordinarily provided by RISE Charter School in order to fully develop such capabilities.

RISE Charter School may provide for special instructional needs of gifted and talented children enrolled in the School. The Board of Directors, in conjunction with the Executive Director and staff, may develop a plan for RISE Charter School’s gifted and talented program at the discretion of the School.

Such program may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Expansion of academic attainments and intellectual skills;
  2. Stimulation of intellectual curiosity, independence, and responsibility;
  3. Development of a positive attitude toward self and others; and
  4. Development of originality and creativity.


Policy History:
Adopted on: June 14, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: