Policy 5380 - Professional Research and Publishing

Professional Research and Publishing
The Board considers that the school system has proprietary rights to publications, instructional materials, and devices prepared by employees during their paid work time. However, the Board also recognizes the importance of encouraging its professionals’ writing, research, and other creative endeavors.

When original materials are developed by employees or staff committees during working time or as part of regular or special assignments for which they are paid, the school system will have sole rights in matters of publication or reproduction; however, the identity of the employee(s) who created the materials will be clearly recognized and noted.

In situations where the proprietary rights to material is in doubt—as, for example, when original instructional materials have been developed partially during working time or as part of a paid assignment, and partially during the staff member’s own time—arrangements may be made for the appropriate assignment of rights and any profits.

However, a staff member may use his or her background knowledge of programs and operations in professional writing of any type, without the Board claiming any rights to the materials or authority to approve them prior to publication, except that articles purporting to represent school system policy will be cleared by the Executive Director who may, if the subject warrants, seek Board approval before they are released.



Cross Reference: 4250 Educational Research


Policy History:
Adopted on: July 12, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: