Certificated Personnel Employment
Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 33-5206(4), the employment of charter school teachers and administrators shall be on a written contract conditioned upon a valid certificate being held by such professional personnel at the time of entering upon the duties thereunder.
Delivery of Contract
Delivery of a contract may be made only in person, by certificated mail, return receipt requested, or electronically, return receipt requested. If delivery is made in person, the delivery shall be acknowledged by a signed receipt.
If the Charter School delivers contracts via electronic means, with return electronic receipt, and the Charter Scjool has not received a returned signed contract and has not received an electronic read receipt from the employee within a period of 10 days, the Charter School shall then resend the original electronically delivered contract to the employee via certified mail, return receipt requested, or via hand delivery and provide such individual with a new date for contract return.
Return of the Contract
A person who receives a proposed contract from the Charter School shall have 10 days from the date of delivery to sign and return the contract.
Failure to Accept or Acknowledge
Should a person willfully refuse to acknowledge receipt of the contract or if the contract is not signed and returned to the Board within the designated time period, the Board may declare the position vacant. Through this policy the Board delegates to the Executive Director the power, as the designee of the Board, to declare such a position vacant should a signed contract not be returned within the designated period.
Supplemental Contracts
An extra duty assignment is, and extra duty supplemental contracts may be issued for, an assignment which is not part of a certificated employee's regular teaching duties. A supplemental contract for extra duties shall be separate and apart from the certificate employee's underlying contract and no property rights shall attach. A written notice of non-reissuance of the extra duty supplemental contract with a written statement of reasons shall be provided. Upon written request, the certificated employee shall be given the opportunity for an informal review of such decision by the Board. The parameters for the informal review will be determined by the Board. The contract should be in a form approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Cross References:
5340 Evaluation of Certificated Personnel
6100 Executive Director
Legal References:
I.C. § 33-507 Limitation Upon Authority of Trustees
I.C. § 33-513 Professional Personnel
I.C. § 33-514 Issuance of Annual Contracts - Support Programs - Categories of Contracts - Optional Placement
I.C. § 33-515 Issuance of Renewable Contracts
I.C. § 33-515A Supplemental Contracts
I.C. § 33-5206 Requirements and Prohibitions of a Public Charter School
Policy History:
Adopted on: December 18, 2023
Revised on:
Reviewed on: