Policy 6000 - Goals

The administrative staff’s primary functions are to manage RISE Charter School and to facilitate the implementation of a quality educational program. It is the goal of the Board that the administrative organization:
1. Provide for efficient and responsible supervision, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of the instructional program, consistent with the policies established by the Board, the school’s approved charter, and approved performance certificate;
2. Provide effective and responsive communication with staff, students, parents, and other citizens; and
3. Foster staff initiative and rapport.

The Charter School's administrative organization shall be designed so that all divisions and departments of the School are part of a single system guided by Board policies which are implemented through the Executive Director. Principals and other administrators are expected to administer their facilities in accordance with Board policy and the Executive Director’s rules and procedures.


Legal Reference: 

I.D.A.P.A. Public Charter School Responsibilities


Policy History:
Adopted on: May 17, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: