Policy 3560 - Video Surveillance

Video Surveillance
The Board believes that the use of video taping equipment can make positive contributions to the health, safety, and welfare of all students, staff, and visitors to the Charter School, as well as safeguard School facilities and equipment. Having carefully weighed and balanced the rights to privacy of students, staff, and visitors against the School’s goal of ensuring the safety of every student, employee, and visitor while they are on School property and also the goal of safeguarding School facilities and equipment, the Board hereby authorizes the use of video cameras on Charter School property as follows:

Video surveillance shall be used to promote order, to maintain the security, health, welfare, and safety of all staff, students, and visitors on School property, and to safeguard School facilities and equipment.

The School shall notify staff and students through student/parent and staff handbooks that video surveillance may occur on School property. Additionally, notices shall be posted on or about Charter School property alerting those on School property that the School is utilizing video surveillance.

Review of any video recordings is restricted to those who have a security, safety, or a legitimate educational interest.

Video recordings may become a part of a student’s educational record or a staff member’s personnel record. The School shall comply with all applicable State and federal laws related to record maintenance and retention. Video tapes that are records of student and/or staff behavior shall be secured in a locked file until the tapes are either reused or erased. The video tape shall be considered a student and/or staff record and shall be subject to current law for the release of student record information and/or personnel record.

Video surveillance may be used for investigations of criminal activity by appropriate law enforcement agencies and may be used by the School to investigate violations of School policy.

Students or staff in violation of Board policies, administrative regulations, building rules, or law shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Others may be referred to law enforcement agencies.

Video cameras may be installed in public locations as deemed appropriate by the Executive Director, and shall not be installed in areas with a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Audio shall not be part of the video recordings made, reviewed, or stored by the School.


Cross-Reference: 3570 Student Records


Legal References:
20 U.S.C. § 1232g, et seq. Family Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA)
34 C.F.R. Part 99 Implementing FERPA
I.C. § 18-6701, et seq. Communications Security
I.C. § 33-512 District Trustees - Governance of Schools
Books v. Logan, 127 Idaho 484, 903 P.2d 73 (1995);
Rife v. Long, 127 Idaho 841, 908 P.2d 143 (1995).