Policy 5820 - Evaluation of Non-Certificated Staff

Evaluation of Non-Certificated Staff
Each noncertified staff member’s job performance shall be evaluated by the staff member’s direct supervisor. The evaluation process includes scheduled evaluations on forms applicable to the job classification and description, and day-to-day appraisals.

The supervisor shall provide a copy of the completed evaluation to the staff member and shall provide an opportunity to discuss the evaluation. The original should be signed by the staff member and filed with the Executive Director. If the staff member refuses to sign the evaluation, the supervisor should note the refusal and submit the evaluation to the Executive Director. The employee will be allowed the opportunity to attach a rebuttal to any information contained in the evaluation.

This policy shall be made available to any RISE Charter School employee or person seeking employment with the School.


Cross Reference:
§ 5205 Job Descriptions


Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-517 Non-Certificated Personnel


Policy History:
Adopted on: July 12, 2021
Revised on:
Reviewed on: