February 14, 2022 Minutes

RISE Charter School #562
School Board Meeting-Minutes
February 14, 2022
Where: RISE Library
Time: 6:00pm


Board Members

Present: Michelle Schutt– Chairman; Jonathan Butler – Vice Chairman; Lacee Clinger – Treasurer; Jeff Burnett – Board Member; Tyler Rands – Board Member; Lacey Herman -- Board Clerk

Order of Meeting:

Call to Order
Executive Session
Approval of the Agenda

Flag Salute
Community Comments - None
Good News
Consent Agenda
Action Items
Personnel Report

Upcoming Events

Executive Session:

Executive Session started at 6:13pm.

Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 74-206(1), the RISE Charter School Board of Education will meet in executive session to discuss one or more of the following: (a) & (b) Consider personnel or student matters; (c) Deliberate regarding labor negotiations or acquisition of an interest in real property; (d) Consider records that are exempt from public inspection; (e) Consider preliminary negotiations involving matters of trade or commerce in which this governing body is in competition with another governing body; (f) Communicate with legal counsel regarding pending imminently-likely litigation; (i) Communicate with risk manager/insurer regarding pending/imminently-likely claims; and 74-206(2) Conduct labor negotiations. EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. Only bolded items will be discussed.

Lacee made a motion to end executive session at 6:38 pm, Jonathan 2nd, motion passed.

Open Session:

At 6:42 pm, Tyler made a motion to amend the agenda to include student “X” under “Action Items”, Jeff 2nd, motion passed.

Community Comments:

Visitors are welcome to make brief comments about school programs, procedures, or items on the agenda per RISE Charter School Policy 1500P – Board Meeting Procedure. Personnel issues that involve students or staff are not items that may be discussed in open meetings. Visitors must keep all comments to 3 minutes or less.

Good News

- All RISE Charter School students attended a field trip to Jack’s Urban Meeting Place (JUMP).   Staff complimented how well behaved and respectful the students were.

- 23 Lottery applications have been received, with 30 available seats.  16 of those applications are for 4th grade.


Consent Agenda—consent for items routine in nature

1.   Approved monthly Expenditures and Invoices.  Marc Carignan was present via Zoom and discussed items with the Board.

2.   Lacee made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 10, 2022 meeting.  Jonathan 2nd the motion – Tyler abstained, motion passed.

3.   Tyler made a motion to approve the School Closures on January 4th and 5th, due to hazardous weather conditions.  Jeff 2nd , motion passed.

Action Items—all items that require a vote

  1. No action was taken on “Support of Supplemental Levy” from Luke Schroeder
  2. Jonathan made a motion to approve Reimbursement for Professional Development for Continuing Education (Policy 11000), to be increased to $500 per fiscal year beginning summer 2022.  Lacee 2nd, motion passed.
  3. No action was taken for the revision of Policy 3340P – ‘Students with Chronic Behavior’.
  4. Enrollment / Over Enrollment Item was tabled for the March meeting.
  5. Progress has been made on the ‘Background Protocol for Volunteers’, no action was taken.
  6. Tyler made a motion to remove probation for Student “X”, Jeff 2nd, motion carried.

Personnel Report

      1.   Jonathan made a motion to approve the resignation of Nancy Roig-Flores, Jeff 2nd, motion passed.

      2.   Lacee made a motion to approve the ratification of the emergency hire of Noah Stewart, Jonathan 2nd, motion passed.

      3.   Jonathan made a motion to approve the resignation of Avril Wai, Lacee 2nd, motion passed.

      4.   Tyler made a motion to approve the resignation of Kyler Schultz, Tyler 2nd, motion passed.

      5.   The Principal/Executive Director Evaluation was tabled until the March meeting.


  1. A discussion on enrollment was held.

Upcoming Activities

1.   March 16th - Treasure Island Sneak Peek Show – 1:30pm

2.   March 17th - Treasure Island Performance – 7:00 pm

3.   March 21 – 25, Spring Break


At 8:11 pm Jonathan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jeff 2nd, meeting was adjourned.



_________________________________                  __________________________________
        Michelle Schutt, Chairman                                                         Brook Russell, Clerk