Policy 8140 - Student Conduct on Buses

NON-INSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS                                                           8140


Student Conduct on Buses


Riding the school bus is a privilege for students, not a right. Students are expected to follow the same behavioral standards while riding {{School_Name}} vehicles as are expected on school property and at school activities, functions, and events and additional specific transportation safety rules. All school rules are in effect while a student is riding a Charter School vehicle or at a school bus stop.


The Executive Director shall establish written rules of conduct for students riding school buses. Such rules shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Director and revised if necessary. If the rules are substantially revised, they shall be submitted to the Board for approval.


A copy of the rules of conduct for students riding buses shall be provided to students at the beginning of the year. The classroom teacher and bus driver shall review the rules with the students at the beginning of each school year. A copy of the rules shall be posted in each bus and shall be available upon request at the Charter School office and in each Executive Director’s office.


The bus driver shall be responsible for enforcing the rules, and shall work closely with the parent and the Executive Director to modify a student’s behavior. The rules shall include consistent consequences for student misbehavior.


Recommendations for permanent termination of bus privileges will be referred to the Executive Director for final determination. The termination may be appealed to the Board. No further appeal shall be allowed.


A recommendation to terminate bus privileges shall be accompanied by a written record of the incident(s) that led to the recommendation. Said written record shall be provided to the parent/guardian of the student whose bus privileges are being revoked.


Discipline of Students with Disabilities


If a student’s IEP team determines that special transportation is required and documents it on the Individual Education Plan (IEP), all procedures under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended, must be followed with regard to the student and transportation. A suspension from bus transportation depends on whether bus transportation is identified on the IEP:


  1. If bus transportation is on the IEP, a suspension from the bus would be treated as a suspension from school. An exception to this is if the Charter School provides transportation in some other way, such as transportation in lieu of, because transportation is necessary.


  1. If bus transportation is not on the IEP, a suspension from the bus would not be counted as suspension from school. In this situation, the student and the parent would have the same obligation to get to and from school as a student without a disability who had been suspended from the bus.



Cross References:       § 3330                               Student Discipline

                                    § 8130                               Transportation of Students with Disabilities


Legal References:       20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 – 82    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act                                                             (IDEA)

                                    29 U.S.C. § 794                Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 -                                                                     Nondiscrimination under Federal Grants and                                                                   Programs


                                    I.D.A.P.A.   Public Charter School Responsibilities


Policy History:

Adopted on: July 26, 2021

Revised on:

Reviewed on: