RISE Charter School Strategic Plan



GOAL 1- Positive Culture 

80% of staff are generally satisfied with their job at RISE as seen in Staff Satisfaction Survey 

80% of students are happy with their experience at RISE as seen in Student Satisfaction Survey 

80% parents are happy with their child’s experience at RISE as seen in Parent Satisfaction Survey 

GOAL 2- Academic Excellence 

Meeting the needs of students with learning differences 

90% students’ NWEA MAP math spring scores exceed expected growth 

90% students’ NWEA MAP ELA spring scores exceed expected growth 

90% students’ NWEA MAP science spring scores exceed expected growth 

60%  of students achieve NWEA MAP math proficiency  


60%  of students achieve NWEA MAP ELA proficiency 


Meet or exceed district and state College and Career Readiness benchmarks 

Graduation rate exceeds 95% 

100% of RISE high school students participate in CCR courses or internships 

GOAL 3-Quality Governance 

Board fulfilling all responsibilities 

Complying with Public Transparency requirements  

Meeting state reporting requirements 

Employee credentialing and background check requirements met 

FERPA observed and implemented 

GOAL 4-Fiscal Responsibility 

School is meeting all financial reporting and compliance requirements seen in annual audit report 

Enrolling necessary number of students for financial solvency -see 3 year budget 

More than 60 days cash on hand 

Contingency Fund is growing year to year